Unsolved Case

It comboes very bad with core set mythos card: Dissonant Voices, which prevents you from playing assets and ... events. This is an event, so if you drew Dissonant Voices and this on top of the Hunch deck, it's going to stay and there's nothing you can do about it (*you wound need to drop Dissonant Voices first to be able to play it). On the flip side, chances for that are really low.

Another interesting thing about this card is that in the last scenario of a campaign, you simply don't care about it. You don't need any experience any more.

bugiel_marek · 23
How does this card interact with the prelude scenarios from Hemlock Vale? Since i don`t draw it it isn`t discarded. Does this card substract from the bonus Exp if i don`t play it? — Daxlow · 13
Schoffner's Catalogue

After reading the other reviews, I found it curious how so many good points were brought up, yet the logical comparisons between Catalogue and Emergency Cache didn't mention the factor of asset-hating treacheries, of which there are quite a few. One secret could be left on the Catalogue to effectively replace a Crypt Chill's "Discard an asset you control" effect with a more palatable "Lose 1 resource". Besides the asset-hating treacheries, one could also consider the asset-loving SU-21 investigator who can devour the Catalogue with the last secret left. Plus, unlike investigators who might have no use for the Catalogue once fully set up with all the items they want, SU-21 always hungers for more cards to eat including items the Catalogue will help pay for.

ftrkmrvdsr · 3
Subject 5U-21

My god get this travesty off of the Arkham page. What’s next laser blasters held by goblins? HP Lovecraft is rolling in his grave - all for modernisations and modern world sensibilities but this fanfic stuff brings the game down.

Krysmopompas · 360
HP Lovecraft was frightened by math, seafood, and miscegenation, and to my knowledge only recanted the latter. This is already a game where you can fistfight Cthulhu too. If you don’t like her don’t use her but that’s on you. — Lailah · 1
The subject is not 4U! — MrGoldbee · 1470
The lightning gun basically is a laser blaster and the blob basically is a Shoggoth, so I'm really not sure what Lovecraft would be objecting to more about Suzi than he would about a non-binary PoC beating mythos gods to death with baseball bats. — Gfo1979 · 1
@Gfo1979 Lightning Gun is "canon" for what that's worth - and agreed to not use her if anyone doesn't like her but for a game that started out so strong, things like this "Character", TSK's endless bad writing and so on, I'm looking forward to Hemlock Vale as a spiritual restart for the franchise. — Krysmopompas · 360
HP Lovecraft would definitely think this is sick as hell. — toastsushi · 74
Also mentioning that stuff like this is fan fiction when the Cthulhu mythos is a steady amalgamation of fan fiction from other writers over the years. — toastsushi · 74
There are a lot of things HP Lovecraft would oppose in this game and I do not care at all. Art is what we make it. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
the game fundamentally reduces lovecraft's setting to something more like a saturday morning cartoon, with the good guys finding and beating up the baddies. Tonally, the martial conflict that is centric to the plots in arkham LCG does not mesh well with the lovecraft universe I think. I'm also not sure a blob in the shape of a human being is particularly out of place either on arkham lcg or in lovecraft's original stories. — ragnarokio · 1
Magnifying Glass

The magnifying glass has one interesting interaction with recursive decks - it allows you to pop used up hand items to the discard for 0 cost.

It plays wonderfully with the The Necronomicon when you have an additional Hand item in play - like Fingerprint Kit or Grim Memoir.

One Necronomicon is drained of charges you slide the Magnifier in play for 0xp 0actions, discarding the Necronomicon. Then investigate at +1 and if you succeed with 2 difference immediately put Necro back into play via Scavenging

If you took the last clue you can take the magnifier back into your hand and free the slot. Alternatively you can get rid of the other hand asset if its out of charges. Or just discard the magnifier and dig it out later.

azmo · 4
Just FYI there's no player window during the test after you reveal the token but before triggering scavenging, so if you use the +1 intellect from the mag glass you can't return mag glass to hand and then trigger scavenging. It just sounded from your review like you might have thought that you could. Unless I misunderstood :) — NarkasisBroon · 10
Runic Axe

So I'm sorry if I missed this in the discussion but I felt like an aspect of this card was sort of overlooked. In the scarlet keys there are attacks that can be made against things that are not enemies (trying to stay very away from specific mechanics discussion where possible as I don't know what would be considered a spoiler here). So I wouldn't categorize inscription of the elders as a lesser/Roland as I've seen discussed. Roland has to defeat an enemy to trigger his ability. I'd look at it more as having the possibility of replacing what I'd call "off spec helper" cards for guardians in conjunction with Bandolier.

As an example instead of having sixth sense as a method to get clues you could use inscription of elders and hunt to efficiently move and reveal cards at low shroud locations since one use could potentially net you a move a fight and another card flip (or clue) for one action and would serve as a good guardian backup weapon either with low xp investment or late campaign if you felt like upgrading that trusty backup Cyclopean Hammer or something. Hopefully that's a new perspective to look at it from? (This occurred to me in my now 3rd playthrough of scarlet keys)

uyukio · 1