Empty Vessel

After Wish Eater: Jewel of the Gods switches back to Empty Vessel while playing Akachi Onyele, does it start with 1 charge again? I read the rule of enter play, and it seems like bonded cards are out of play. Therefore, after the switching, Empty Vessel enters play again, and it shall be granted a charge. Could anyone clarify this please? Many thanks.

tom89819 · 2
You are right. — chrome · 59
"Out of play refers to the cards in a player's hand, in any deck, in any discard pile, in the victory display, and those that HAVE BEEN SET ASIDE and/or removed from the game." — chrome · 59
Time Warp

After playing with two of these in my Sefina deck, Time Warp is one of my favourite cards in the game! Not because it's particularly super powerful (I think it's good, but not exceptional). It's just that it feels so fun to play.

The first time I played this card after buying it, I did an action that caused the Act deck to flip, and then I failed a resulting test which directly dealt me a permanent trauma. Not only did Time Warp undo that trauma, the fact that it fully reverted the Act back to the previous Act felt SO powerful, being able to manipulate such an important game aspect. (Note, however, that I think being able to timewarp the Act or Agenda is probably pretty rare, since those don't often flip due to an investigator action.)

It was also really funny to me that after traveling back in time to undo that action and unflip the Act, I just immediately went back in and did it again. If I had got the trauma on the second attempt... at that point I would have deserved it. I just needed to succeed at that check though, and I did the second time!

Especially in multiplayer, playing this on another player's action to help them fix the mess they caused from their action is just delightful. "Oh something went wrong? No it didn't." Especially if other players aren't expecting it, and they get all their commited cards back in hand, unexhaust assets they used, etc. Just remember you can't use it after a player is defeated on their action, because then Time Warp can no longer target them.

Sometimes it can be hard to remember all of those details of what changed during a complex action, which in my opinion is part of what makes this card fun, but I can see it as a reason not to play Time Warp. It can be a bit of a headache. I definitely recommend reading through the FAQ here about undoing effects such as shuffling a deck. Sometimes you simply can't play Time Warp if you can't get the game state exactly back to how it was, but in many cases it's fine. "A randomized deck is a randomized deck." It doesn't necessarily have to go back into the exact same unknown order.

Also note, however, that Time Warp can sometimes let you know at least what the top card of a deck is. I once played Time Warp after taking a simple draw action where I drew my weakness. I went back in time, putting the weakness back on top of my deck, and then if I didn't have a way to shuffle my deck, I simply would have drawn the weakness at the end of the round. Thankfully, I had a Quantum Flux ready to go.

Having Time Warp in hand feels good too, even before you play it. It's like a defensive trump card, similar to Ward of Protection, but for player actions instead of treachery draws. It feels like a backup in hand similar to a Lucky, though Time Warp is more situational.

quilynn · 4
Now I am interested in which act you advanced. — AlderSign · 310
Just a guess, but it does seem to match an act from the Dunwich Legacy where a lot of investigators can be derailed ;) — bee123 · 31
An underrated card. Team-wide (or I suppose location-wide) autofail protection for 1 resource / fast / 2 XP is really good, even if limited to player phase. And then there will occasionally be times where all that other text on the card does something. I think it's underrated just because it's so complex that the primary use of the card is kind of hidden. — CaiusDrewart · 3189
@bee123 that's a good guess ;) — quilynn · 4
Blackmail File

Something I miss in the current other reviews:

I think this card was made for guardians, or at least fighters. IF getting disengaged via this card is easier for you than evading (which is the case for most guardians), then a number of cards will have their conditions fullfilled:

Cool interactions:

Weird interactions:

AlderSign · 310
Unfortunately, you can' — Time4Tiddy · 246
Finger slip! Unfortunately, you can't parley Vengeful Shade or the Watcher while they are in your hand, if that's what you were going for. I'm not sure of the value of disengaging them and making them aloof once they've spawned at your location. — Time4Tiddy · 246
What I was going at with these cards is mainly the easy test difficulty when they are in play (high willpower investigators attempting a willpower 2 test). It's just easier for these two to do that instead of evading them. — AlderSign · 310
Wicked Athame

Lily Chen can utilize this weapon greatly. It combos very well with her staples by adding charges to them:

This alone makes this card great in her deck. Just because how powerful Brand of Cthugha is. Having more uses of Enchanted Blade, especially when your deck is not developed yet, makes starter deck more powerful and reliable.

It works well with both Masks she can take. You could also consider including:

Wicked Athame takes a hand slot, yes, but Lily can afford that, or mitigate that with either version of Bandolier Bandolier or Tinker. Curse tokens added by cursed blade can be automatically mitigated when combined with Ancestral Token, and for most part it should be enough to add single token.

bugiel_marek · 23
Tinker will only work on Tool assets. — snacc · 1008
Good point. Hemlock cards are still new to me. Thanks! — bugiel_marek · 23
But you can wield it if you get an occult requilary — Tharzax · 1
Good point @Tharzax. Although it's not cheap experience wise but it makes up for it being a permanent (you don't have to draw it, it's already in play from the get go) — bugiel_marek · 23
Lily can't take Living Ink as she can only take Lv 0 Mystic cards — Saros69 · 1
oooh Lv0 Ink has +1 to a skill, now I get it, my bad — Saros69 · 1
I don't think you can replenish charges on Empty Vessel since its uses are 0. — AlderSign · 310
Cyclopean Hammer

Cyclopean Hammer + Eldritch Inspiration. I came across this combo earlier in the week when I was making a hammer build for Akachi. To my knowledge, I haven't read or heard anywhere about anyone using this combo.

So best case scenario: you swing with the hammer, play Eldritch Inspiration and hit the enemy for 5 damage and move them away 4 spaces lol (Assuming they're alive to be punted across the map)

This is a 1 xp Vicious Blow that deals +2 Damage and moves an enemy 4 spaces. Now admittedly, this is one combo among many. But still, can't wait to give it a try.

The Hammer doesn't have text that references "when," "if," or "after" a chaos token is revealed so this combo doesn't work. I think you'll find the Hammer suitably strong without it though. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
"If you succeed by 2 or more" seems a viable phrase for the use of eldritch inspiration. — Tharzax · 1
@Tharzax definitely not. That text is a reaction to success threshold, not to revelation of a chaos token. Eldritch Inspiration is explicitly and specifically only for effects that trigger off of a token being revealed. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
You are right I didn't get the token part when I read this comment. — Tharzax · 1
Sad — SemiSecretSquirrel · 127