Patrice's Flexible Concerto #1 (Standard, Duo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Patrice, The Deck-Building Game: a Patrice Standard Deck 253 211 22 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

VanyelAshke · 178


Generalist investigator, with a slight leaning towards clue gathering. Paired with Luke Robinson in Path to Carcosa campaign, who was also a generalist investigator with a slight leaning towards combat.

The goal of this deck is fairly straight-forward:

  • get good at passing tests ( and ) using Cornered.
  • Play Patrice like a Mystic; is the key stat. Don't spread out your skills across multiple icons.
  • mild encounter deck mitigation, which helps you and your partner maintain momentum
  • never go insane thanks to Peter Sylvestre

Willpower is decently strong, once she has her assets in play. She can get to 6-7. She can also get to 4-5 , making her capable of evading enemies when paired with Cornered.

In the whole campaign, I never got "screwed" by not having enough charges or spells to kill an enemy or to gather clues. This deck provided me what I needed, when I needed it.

Everyone talks about the importance of having a solution to her weakness, Watcher from Another Dimension. This deck is itself an answer; no specialty cards needed. Premonition lets you see if a token; if it's good, then use it to attack or evade the Watcher. Or just use a Shrivelling charge or try to evade it, boosted by Cornered and other skill icons. Lucky! helps to change a failure into a success. Usually, I handle the Watcher near the end of the deck, once my assets are in play or if a Premonition token shows a guarantee success.


  • versatile. Channeling her skill tests into mostly with occasional to evade makes her more streamlined and efficient.
  • very reliable. Capable of usually performing 1-2 actions per turn at +4 or higher, meaning only the token can make her fail.

1st Hand ....... Patrice's Violin

2nd Hand ...... Old Keyring

Accessory ..... Moonstone (later: 2x Moonstone cards)

Body .............. Unused

1st Arcane .... Combat Spell (Shrivelling)

2nd Arcane ... Clue Spell (Rite of Seeking)

Tarot .............. Empty

Ally ................. Peter Sylvestre


Enemy management: Shrivelling and Spectral Razor are usually sufficient, especially when paired with another generalist investigator capable of handling enemies as well. Her 4-5 with assets is also helpful in taking care of enemies, particularly non-Hunter enemies. I did not find that I needed Sixth Sense or any other "eternal" combat spell.

Clue gathering cards: Rite of Seeking, Read the Signs and Drawn to the Flame are usually sufficient, especially when paired with another generalist investigator capable of collecting half of the clues necessary.

Rite of Seeking is preferred over other clue spells. Collecting 2 clues in 1 action is good action compression, and Patrice usually needs her first two actions to do other actions (move, play asset, play event, use Shrivelling to attack). I did not find that I needed Sixth Sense or any other "eternal" clue spell.

"Look what I found!" rarely has a chance to be useful, which is why it gets swapped out early on. Old Keyring is something I like; 1 resource and 1 action to allow Patrice to essentially gather 2 clues whenever she wants over 2 future actions. Essentially, 1 resource + 3 actions (1 turn) equals two clues. I know that's not the most economical, but Patrice can't keep cards in her hand for the future, so Old Keyring allows her to exchange "power" for "dependability" in the future. What good are "Look what I found!" in hand if you're stuck in combat, or in areas with no clues?

Will boosts and Agility boosts: Peter Sylvestre, Moonstone.

Economy: Uncage the Soul, Emergency Cache, and Patrice's Violin. Her violin is essentially Lone Wolf; great card! Almost never used it to draw a card. Forbidden Knowledge with Peter Sylvestre also produces great economy. With Violin, Forbidden Knowledge and Peter Sylvester on the board, Patrice can generate 2 resources per turn + 1 at upkeep. 3 resources a turn is very good!

Health & Sanity management: allies, Deny Existence, Ward of Protection, and Fearless. Upgraded Fearless helps heal more. Near the end of the campaign, upgraded Deny Existence also heals. Patrice's sanity was never at risk of insanity due to Peter Sylvestre's healing.

Utility: mild encounter deck mitigation with Ward of Protection, A Test of Will, and Fortune or Fate.


First level priority are your stat-boosting cards: Peter Sylvestre and a Moonstone. An economy card to be able to afford all your assets on turn 1 is also valuable. Second level priority is Shrivelling or Rite of Seeking.


Here is how I upgraded my deck over a Path to Carcosa campaign.

end Scenario 1:
AR upgrade: IN: Rite of Seeking OUT: Rite of Seeking. Get +2 bonus to clue more reliably.

4xp -> IN: Cornered x2 OUT: Unexpected Courage x2

4xp -> IN: Peter Sylvestre x2 OUT: Peter Sylvestre x2

end Scenario 2:
AR upgrade: IN: Rite of Seeking OUT: Rite of Seeking.

3xp -> Relic Hunter. Permits two copies of Moonstone to be equipped. This grants 6 and 4. With upgraded Peter Sylvestre, Patrice becomes 7 and 5.

end Scenario 3:
AR upgrade: IN: Ward of Protection OUT: Ward of Protection. Protect the team against the encounter deck.

2xp -> IN: Fearless OUT: Fearless. Extra pip and heal 2 sanity. Keeps Patrice sane longer, similar to Holy Rosary's 2 sanity soak without having to occupy an Accessory slot.

2xp -> Alter Fate x2 OUT: Sword Cane x2.

end Scenario 4:
AR upgrade: IN: Ward of Protection OUT: Ward of Protection.

2xp -> IN: Fearless OUT: Fearless.

2xp -> IN: Recall the Future OUT: "Look what I found!". First copy set to -4, the second copy set to -3 or whatever most numerous token with a failing modifier. When you draw that modifier, now you auto-pass. If you never draw it, then you're quite lucky! This will help Patrice "guarantee" that she passes so long as she doesn't draw an token.

1xp -> IN: Leather Coat OUT: "Look what I found!". I've accumulated 2 trauma now, so I need some health soak. It only costs an action (no resources), soaks for 4 health; likely not to be exiled. Even if it does, it's just 1xp. Patrice can afford it.

end Scenario 5:
AR upgrade: IN: Ward of Protection OUT: Ward of Protection.

2xp -> IN: Recall the Future OUT: Old Keyring. Gives an extra round, if necessary near the end of a scenario.

4xp -> IN: Ward of Protection x2 OUT: Ward of Protection x2. Patrice cannot sit on cards until they are optimal, therefore this version may be better for her. Regardless of what she draws, she can cancel it. Essentially, the encounter card she draws says "lose 1 resource and take 1 horror". Totally doable! Peter Sylvester heals the horror and her violin makes money.

end Scenario 6:
AR upgrade: IN: Alter Fate OUT: Alter Fate.

2xp -> IN: Fortune or Fate OUT: Old Keyring.

1xp -> IN: A Test of Will OUT: Deny Existence.

end Scenario 7:
AR upgrade: IN: Alter Fate OUT: Alter Fate.

2xp -> IN: Fortune or Fate OUT: Live and Learn. This is an Exile repurchase; I spent 1 copy in the previous scenario.

1xp -> IN: A Test of Will OUT: Deny Existence. This is an Exile repurchase; I spent 1 copy in the previous scenario.

2xp -> IN: Fortune or Fate OUT: Live and Learn.

1xp -> IN: A Test of Will OUT: Live and Learn.

1 xp total unspent


A Glimmer of Hope: gives a pip, then can be played to get 2-3 copies back into your hand to pass an important test, if needed. If not, it's still a icon for free. Good enough....? not sure...

Resourceful: In some campaigns, especially Dunwich and TCU, Resourceful becomes necessary to recur Alter Fate frequently.

Scrounge for Supplies: get any card needed back in your hand. It's useful. But so far, I don't find myself NEEDING anything; the deck is self-sufficient. And her ability means she will see the wanted cards later. There's enough clue-gathering and enemy-management cards that I don't find myself 'lacking'. Especially when you factor that she gets 4-5 and has Sword Cane available.

Other potential Level Up cards

AFTER BUYING BOTH FEARLESS, you have a few upgrade options:

OPTION 1: Exile package to gain 2 extra rounds and guarantee succeed 2 tests, every scenario or mitigate the encounter deck 5xp -> IN: Déjà Vu
2xp -> IN: Fortune or Fate OUT: "Look what I found!" 2xp -> IN: Fortune or Fate OUT: "Look what I found!" 2xp -> IN: Stroke of Luck OUT: Live and Learn 2xp -> IN: Stroke of Luck OUT: Live and Learn 2xp -> IN: A Test of Will x2 OUT:

Every Scenario after, you will be spending minimum 3xp to buy back the above cards. If you use all 4, then it will cost you 5xp

OPTION 2: Improve odds of success 4xp -> IN: Recall the Future x2 OUT: "Look what I found!" x2. 3xp -> Nightmare Bauble: cancels 3 tokens Patrice draws. Considering that's usually the only token that can make her fail, it's worth considering. 3xp -> Relic Hunter: allows both Moonstones and one Nightmare Bauble to be equipped. 4xp -> IN: Third Time's a Charm x2 OUT: Live and Learn

6xp Will to Survive: allows for a full turn of combat with Shrivelling to guaranteed damage and no BS tokens for horror. But it's probably not needed in Patrice due to having Cornered and Recall the Future available. The only way she can fail is the token. Also, 4 resources is expensive! She oftentimes won't be able to afford it, so it oftentimes become a card to feed to Cornered. Not worth it.

Miss Doyle. Other players like the cats. I have not tried them. I'm not convinced they're needed.

Brute Force: single attack at 5, but must succeed by 2 to do the extra 2 damage. So an enemy with fight 4 means you need to get to 7-8. One use of Cornered and a wild icon can do that. Probably not good amazing enough.... worth trying?

Sharp Vision: single investigate at 5 to hopefully get 2 clues (worst case, just get 1). So a 2 shroud location means you need to get to 5-6. One use of Cornered or a single extra pip takes you to 6. Very handy. Maybe replace "Look what I found!" or Winging It... not sure which is the weakest...or if Sharp Vision is much of an upgrade worth the xp cost....

Summoned Hound: can be cheated in without getting weakness Summoned Beast by using A Chance Encounter.

Cards that are under-performing:

Sword Cane. It doesn't do enough. 1 attack for 1 damage is not sufficient to deal with a threat, and her evade skill is good when paired with Cornered. Once Peter + 2x Moonstone is playable, both copies of Sword Cane can probably be removed.

"Look what I found!": Either I wasn't in a position to gather clues that turn, or the BS tokens scare me to try. I'm fairly risk adverse, so I prefer spending 3 actions to gather 2 clues using Old Keyring, than failing an investigation test to trigger Look what I found and risk drawing a BS token that puts doom or spawns an enemy (or Haunted in The Circle Undone). Same reasons why I don't play Winging It.

Old Keyring: Equals 1 resource + 3 actions (1 to play, 2 to investigate) to use the card and gain 2 clues. Restricted to only using it on shroud 1-2 locations to "guarantee" success. Read the Signs and Drawn to the Flame can do that in just 1 action. "Look what I found!" can as well. Maybe the Keyring should be replaced with Scrounge for Supplies, Resourceful or some other value card. With Scrounge, you can at least bring back Read the Signs or Drawn to the Flame and be able to get 2 clues over 2 actions.


Original deck:

Other decks that inspired me or have good write-ups: