Devil's Luck

I haven't tried it yet, but if you were to take Parallel "Skids" O'Toole, with his tiny deck to The Dunwich Legacy, this card could be a good counter to Beyond the Veil, which could potentially be a significant issue for him. You could lose it to a discard treachery before you draw it, but even then, you might be able to get it into your hand by drawing an or playing Eucatastrophe. If you draw enough s or do some Double, Double + Scrounge for Supplies shenanigans, discarding cards from your deck might actually be a good thing.

Zinjanthropus · 229
Shining Trapezohedron

Not quite a review this is, I am rather pointing out an interesting synergy with the Survivor card suite. Take for example Drawing Thin. When you use Shining Trapezohedron to try to pay for a spell, use Drawing Thin to reap resources or a card and increase the difficulty. This is beneficial if you:

  • succeed (your spell just got the add-on)
  • fail (because the action cost gets cancelled and the add-on stays, you just netted a card or 2 resources for free).

You can add Take Heart and Rabbit's Foot (Relic Hunter is needed for this though) for extra free cards and resources.

Ofcourse, the above 'fail' scenario does not count in the disadvantages of chaos tokens with additional effects.

Lateralis · 7
There’s also synergy with the Rogue card suite because you can take a test with a controllable target number - even as low as 0. Lucky Cigarette Case, most Rogue skills, etc. lots of value. You can also use this to set up another test using Momentum. Dexter Drake our main man for this, and his ability synergizes by lowering the cost of the assets becomes plays with it. This puts Scrying and Alchemical Transmutation down to 0 cost spells as well. As a bonus, Alchemical Transmutation also has similar synergy with Rogue’s suite, and gets a lot of value in Drake where you don’t have to pay an action to play it, and can get value from it once depleted or no longer useful. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Decorated Skull

This version is quite a bit better than the level 0, as could be expected for a level 3 card. If you spend 3 charges for the first use, that gives you 3 cards and 3 resources for a total cost of 1 card and 2 actions (not including the actions to defeat enemies or your own allies, but that probably would have happened anyways), for a net effect of +3 actions. With continued spending of 3 charges at a time, you are getting a huge net +5 actions for each, matching any other economy card that I know of (for example, Hot Streak gives you a net +5 considering the card, action and 3 resources to play it), and much better than most (Easy Mark gives you +1 net action for a single one and +2 for each that is tied to the first). The combination of cards and resources is often good, because you usually need one to use the other, but sometimes you won’t want one or the other, making the effect less useful. Obviously, this is best with an investigator that both defeats lots of enemies and has disposable allies, and at level 3 it is limited to rogues, Akachi Onyele and Ursula Downs. Of these, I think Tony Morgan and Akachi Onyele are the most likely to use it, since they are the best fighters. There are some accessories to compete with for each of these, but I think Decorated Skull is a contender in the right decks.

jmmeye3 · 629
I'm playing this in Akachi through "Forgotten Age" right now, and the card is bonkers. It also combos, not competes very nice with the "Empty Vessel", 'cause I'm a relic hunter. Without the skull, I would worry, how to find the "Limit 1 per deck" card, but with the extra draws from the skull and the usual help from "Arcane Initiate" (who also feeds the skull), I see most of my deck, and sometimes even all each game. What an insane card, but the level 0 looks quite horrible to me. — Susumu · 371
Jacqueline Fine

I played Jacqueline through hard on the circle undone, paired with Winnifred. And once you understand the keyword “revealed“, she is a truly wonderful investigator.

What’s amazing about her is that she plays completely differently from every other character and every other mystic. With other characters, you have risk mitigation, knowing that there’s a lot of bad in the chaos bag. If you are a survivor, and you spend the XP, you can get around it, but otherwise the only way to succeed is to go testless.

Now, the odds are in your favor. And with her new accessory and hand mirror, you can do even better. Rogues will be your best friends, Because now you can tell them the exact number they need to hit for Gregory, double or nothing, watch this, or Parallel O’Toole’s power. (Just the mirror by itself is a wonderful pick for Sefina.)

When Jacqueline isn’t around, you’ll miss her. Her ability means that your allies are more likely to survive the mythos phase & land attacks. Like all mystics, she could switch between offense or defense depending on what style she slots, or go with events that she recovers with prescient.

Who saw it coming?

MrGoldbee · 1471
According to the wording she can never gain the draw card benefit from her elder sign because she has nothing which cancels the effect. Her ability cancels the tokens. Fab printing from FF one again :/ — Spectre · 7
the token has the effect listed above, so it is canceled along with the token on any skill test that has an elder sign, if it only canceled the token you'd still get its modifier for the test. — Zerogrim · 295
Quick question, can you elaborate your sentence: "...And once you understand the keyword “revealed“". Am I right understanding her effect that BEFORE she or another investigater grabs into the bag you can activate your ability and then draw three tokens instead? — Judge_pohl · 1
I'm not sure I'd ever paid Jacquiline with Jim, but she could help mitigate Final Rhapsody.... — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
I'm with Judge_pohl. I have no idea what you mean by understanding the keyword "revealed". Is there some secret meaning that isn't obvious? — eapfel · 6
I think the crucial thing the OP is talking about is that if you reveal a token, and ignore it, you are considered not to have revealed it in the first place. A common sense reading of "reveal 3 tokens, then cancel 2 of them" would indicate that you revealed all 3 of the tokens involved. But you are only considered to have revealed the one uncancelled token. — NarkasisBroon · 10
Do we have a rule or FAQ reference for this argument? It would weaken her quite a bit. Ritual Candles are no longer insane with her. — nierensieb · 1
Is a canceled token still considered revealed? — Yoritomo · 13
No, a canceled token is not still considered revealed. However her power says when an investigator "would reveal" any number of chaos tokens, so you would have to trigger her power before any of them are revealed and subsequently canceled/ignored. So I'm still not seeing how any of this applies to what the OP says of understanding the keyword "revealed". Ignoring and canceling revealed tokens has nothing to do with how her power works. — eapfel · 6
What is the difference between "ignore token" and "cancel token"? There is a rules clarification that says that an "ignored" token does not trigger "reveal" effects. But I have not found any rule about cancelled tokens. — haakenlid · 1 — haakenlid · 1
According to the rules clarification on "Counterspell" it seems that "cancel a token" and "ignore a token" mean exactly the same thing. — haakenlid · 1
I have to assume that the Elder Sign is supposed to read: +1 if this token is canceled or ignored draw one card. Or else it would never occur. — dlikos · 160
I'm fairly certain for the elder sign it's if you reveal the elder sign its plus one. This means that in order for the second sentence to activate, you must reveal it during her ability or a card effect, the choose to cancel it/ignore it. Example, investagtion test, you use her ability you get a 0, elder sign, and - 4. you choose the 0 and cencel the other two. you can now activate the card draw from the elder sign. — . · 35
Olive McBride

With Jaqueline and Voice of Ra, it’s now possible to play big money mystic. When before you would have to sacrifice or play a lot of alchemy, now you can play Olive, use Jaqueline’s ability, and get 6-10 bucks reliably. Get that card back with prescient and your mirror of scrying to guarantee you get to play it three or four times a game, and you can play all the expensive spells you want. It’s completely possible to play Miss McBride and not use her for skill checks, only from cards that require you to draw tokens. And she even helps with Jaqueline‘s weakness!

It’s always good to have a spotter when you’re predicting the future.

MrGoldbee · 1471
I agree that this is a good combo, but how do you get 10 bucks? Voice of Ra gives 1+2/spooky and draws 3 tokens. With Fine and McBride, you can either draw 5 tokens (one of which you replace with a draw 3 pick 2 before knowing what it is) and then overall cancel 2 of them (or just the auto-fail, but that's not going to happen unless literally all 6 tokens are spooky). Alternately, you can use Olive's ability first and draw 3 (one of which is replaced by a Fine-modified draw 5 pick 2). But the point is, either way you have a realistic maximum of 4 tokens drawn for a maximum of 9 resources. You could only reach 11 resources if you revealed 6 spookies across 7 draws and canceled just an auto-fail which is incredibly unlikely. If there are 17 tokens in the bag, 6 of which are spooky, you are looking at an average of a little under 6 resources on from Voice of Ra. Again, not a bad combo - I actually rather like it - but not quite as powerful as you describe. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
These investigator decks need to get released so I know what the hell voice of ra is. From context I gather it's a zero-cost Mystic event that says, "Reveal three chaos tokens. Gain 1 resource, plus two resources for each [spooky] token revealed." Something like that? Maybe a negative rider for the auto-fail? — SGPrometheus · 821
@SGPrometheus It is exactly what you say. Plus it has the Spell trait, so synergy there with some stuff. And it can pitch for 1 Will. — Death by Chocolate · 1485