Jim 'Skullseeker' Culver

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wittebaard · 319

EDIT: thanks to some great feedback, I have already made the following changes:

So okay, this is my first self created deck and I'm looking for some strong critiques from everyone here!

When I saw the new Dark Prophecy card I immediately thought of it as a strong card for Jim Culver to have him draw even more skull chaos tokens while testing. That's where I started building on this deck, so here it goes!


  • As a lot of Mystics do, I want Jim to also rely on his willpower stat as much as possible instead of trying to boost everything. That's where Sixth Sense comes in for investigating and Shrivelling for combat (more about that soon). Since this takes up both arcane slots, I'm relying on events for evading. Survival Knife isn't here to be used to fight with as an action (that's what Shrivelling is for) but mainly for it's responsive ability. You will get attacked sooner or later so this is a good way to finish off some of those high health enemies.

  • Arcane Initiate helps us find these Spells as soon as possible in case you have a bad mulligan and it also takes some horror for you.

  • Expensive cards those are huh? That's why I decided to slot in Lone Wolf to double up on resources each turn as soon as possible (mulligan hard for this one!).

  • Holy Rosary and Ritual Candles boost all other cards because of their extra willpower. They will be slotted out soon in the campaign, so don't worry too much about the Ritual Candles skill being redundant while playing Jim.

  • I don't like Jim's Trumpet so use it for a commit whenever you need it. The final asset will be discussed later on...


  • Dark Prophecy is what started it all for me, because it can be used so versatile. Need to really nail that Shrivelling on that one critical enemy? DP is there for you. Need that one final clue for a sure case scenario conclusion? DP is there for you. Use it whenever you need it most, going by what state the game is in.

  • Emergency Cache is here for your resource troubles. Who doesn't know this one?

  • Ward of Protection needs no further explanation, it just helps us get out of risky situations, especially in early game when you're not completely set up just yet.

And all the rest

  • Skills do what skills do, they help us when we're not entirely sure if we can make the next skill check and also give us a nice extra card.

Campaign upgrades


Oct 02, 2021 Wittebaard · 319

For everyone nice enough to look at my deck and wanting to make recommendations, this is my card collection at the moment:

  • 2x coreset
  • complete Dunwich
  • complete Carcosa
  • complete Circle Undone
  • Deluxe Forgotten Age and Innsmouth (cycles to be added soon)
  • Edge of the Earth investigator pack
  • Stella Clark and Harvey Walters investigator packs.

Oct 02, 2021 BrotherZagon · 7

I like the framework of the deck, but there are some things I would think about changing. (I am building a 2-handed Jim deck right now.) First, based on the exp cards you want, you can get rid of Rabbit Hole. "Upgrading" is only for going from a lower level to a higher level of the same card, which is a small section of purchasing cards. So Song of Dead, Gro Statue, etc would all cost 1 xp more with Rabbit Hole.

Sixth Sense is my go to solo mystic clue card. I like to have a couple more clue assets, Flashlight if I don't find another one that I want. Depending on campaign, I might run Drawn to the Flame. Some of the five off-class cards can help with clues, like seeker "tools" or survivor events. I like Lucky! as a fall back if I don't draw a skull and get a higher token than I was planning.

Oct 02, 2021 BrotherZagon · 7

Shrivelling would be my first damage choice for this card pool. The Survival Knives seem a bit like a trap. They trigger off of taking damage, and while a Jim deck could build around tanking the damage, this deck only has the Initiates and Jim's 7 health. Also a little scenario dependent, as cultists and similar enemies might only deal horror.

I would probably go for a more reliable weapon, Fire Axe and Sword Cane come to mind. In solo, evasion can sometimes be just as good as killing something, and Sword Cane is good for the versatility that solo play likes having. Fire Axe is very dependent on resource generation, like Lone Wolf. I like having one/two copies of another spell for enemies, and I like Mists of Rlyeh, but then the spells are going against Jim drawing skulls. The events can also help, like Blinding Light. Storm of Spirits is an option, but has similar issues.

Oct 02, 2021 BrotherZagon · 7

I like Ritual Candles and Dark Prophecy. You don't have an ally from one of the packs which really helps with token pulling, but there are enough other options to still function. Like the Gro Statue. Hypnotic Gaze is expensive for a defensive card, but might work if the resource generation is good. But it also only works off of damage, not horror.

I have yet to get Prophesy to work for me, I now just use Unexpected Courage. Manual Dexterity is iffy for only testing at a four. I would probably take Guts or Fearless to help boost the spell tests against high shrouds/fights/evades. The card draw would be more likely to fire, and the horror healing would be nice with skulls triggering Shrivelling self-horror.

Oct 02, 2021 BrotherZagon · 7

Oh, and I need to get the Edge box to really learn and test the new cards, but the exp ally in there might be really good for Jim trying to get skull token draws.

Oct 03, 2021 zovc · 130

At a glance, the following cards are questionable to me:

Ritual Candles - I just think this card is bad. You could play a card that gives you +1 to an important stat instead, and it would probably do other bonus stuff. (Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, Magnifying Glass, Beat Cop, Track Shoes... Not specifically recommending any of those, just giving examples.) Candles might be better than I give them credit for, it just doesn't seem like a good use of a card and a resource to me.

Survival Knife - You only get up to 4 when you're fighting normally (for only 1 damage), and you only get to attack back with the knife if the enemy actually hits you (during the enemy phase). So, you have to take damage to try attacking at 5 . Without investing more into your , I don't think this card makes sense in Jim. (Beat Cop is an option. I mention Lonnie Ritter below, but I know you don't have access to her.)

Arcane Initiate - You do have 16 spells in the deck, which is a good density, but as a character with access to every level 0 ally in the game, you might be able to do better.

Lone Wolf - I don't know how many people you're playing with, but if it's more than 1 I would almost certainly drop this card. Your cost curve is fairly low, and I don't think this is a good usage of Jim's precious 5 off-class cards. Especially if you don't have a way to dump the resources into useful things, like Arcane Studies or Physical Training.

Blinding Light - The value of this card depends a little on what campaign you're playing in, but spending a card and two resources to TEST to evade an enemy and possibly lose an action is a big ask. Compare it to something like Decoy.

Hypnotic Gaze - 3 resources is just too much for this effect. And you're encouraged to sink even more into the cost because "If I play Dark Prophecy here, I'll surely return their damage!" But you're already investing too much, and now you're thinking about investing even more... the card is just a trap.

Prepared for the Worst - You only have two weapon cards in your deck, so it's highly likely that this card fails to find one of them. It might be better to just include a card that can draw you more cards like Preposterous Sketches. (Deep Knowledge exists, too.)

Manual Dexterity and Perception are strange choices for skill cards. It seems like you're doing everything you can to avoid testing these skills, and getting up to only 5 or 4 usually will not give you great odds of passing a test.

Here are my suggestions:

Heavy Furs is a cute way to try re-rolling for tokens. It's a lot better if you have Lonnie Ritter, not sure if I'd play it without her.

Olive McBride is 100% more in line with what I think you're trying to do. If you're getting the rest of The Forgotten Age, I would pick her over Arcane Initiate every single time.

If you need to be fighting and getting clues, I would consider dedicating your arcane slots to one job and your hands and ally to the other. Example: Hawk-Eye Folding Camera in your hands and Alyssa Graham as your ally, with Shrivelling and Wither in your arcane slots. Or, Enchanted Blade (careful that it takes an arcane slot, but it gives +2 ) as your weapon and Beat Cop as your ally with Rite of Seeking and Sixth Sense as your arcane slots.

Sword Cane is a great card for mystics. It is way, way better than Blinding Light, and you can re-use it! If you're worried about being able to evade enemies, I think this is a good option.

It can definitely be seen as a trap, but Scavenging can allow you to pick up your used Grotesque Statues. And, Scavenging doesn't care 'how' you investigated, just if you succeeded by 2 or more. So, even if you're using a spell to investigate with , you can still trigger Scavenging.

Regarding skills, I think you either want to boost what you're good at (I.e. Guts and Overpower or Perception, depending which stat you're trying to use as number 2.) or looking for things like Promise of Power which help you all but guarantee you're going to pass a test. Prophesy can do this, but in some scenarios it legitimately cannot be better than Unexpected Courage, so I'd consider just going with that for consistency's sake.