Trish takes on expert at lvl 0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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mugu · 171

Trish is one of the strongest investigators in hard/expert. Auto-clue pickup is golden and she can handle her own against smaller groups of enemies (it becomes really dicey at 3+ enemies on you at the same time) to give more leeway for your local fighter to help you out. On the upside, she can also become a competent flex fighter at mid-xp count.

It's an extremely offensive list targeted for expert only. As such, there is 0 layers of defense in there, beside You handle this one. If you're playing on hard or bellow, consider slotting Inquiring Mind to pass will tests.

The list is light in assets. Trish doesn't need much to be extremely effective. You pick up trash allies that you're happy to discard along the way for soaking (important since you start as 1/1 phy/ment trauma). Medical student is there to flex your health/sanity pool, or occasionally clutch save a fellow investigator.

Min skill tests for investigating will always be 7 through Streetwise and skill cards. You have 5 economy cards: x1 Bank Job, x2 You handle this one, x2 Crack the Case. You'll be able to comfortably hits the +4 target no matter how from the get go with that list with 0 setup whatsoever (beside playing Lucky Cigarette Case if you have it turn 1). One copy of I'll take that is there to give you a free play from one of your assets midway through a scenario.

You have 4 ways to instantly proc your ability without involving a skill test at fast speed. x2 Hit and Run an Art Student and x2 Working a Hunch. From there, you can decide if it's more worth to pick up a clue or evade your enemy based on your skill cards in hand and the tests difficulty. Note that if you don't have Hit and Run, but Art Student, you may just casually play her if you have Narrow Escape in hand. You dodge an attack, you pick up one or two clues, then you decide which test you want to do.

Her weakness is kind of a joke. You can keep Breaking and Entering to instantly discard it. That's part of why Trish is so good: almost perfect stat line, amazing ability, and easy weakness.

Microscope is the most efficient way to grab clues midway during a scenario when you'll run low in resources. You can easily stack it on your own throughout the game. It picks up three clues at once with a great boost (that you can even boost with street wise to reach 10 skill value without other skill cards) and is cheap enough not to be a lost in tempo, doesn't require you to succeed by a mile for I'll take that.

The rest of the package is the usual value stuff you can find in any rogue/seeker investigators. Deduction, Eureka!, Shortcut, Perception and Manual Dexterity.

Priority ugprades:

Underworld Market for 4 xp. You auto include slot another x1 Bank Job, x1 I'll take that, x2 Embezzled Treasure. It will be your side deck.

From there you decide to include either x2 British Bull Dog, and 2x flex slots between Vamp, Fine Clothes, Inquiring Mind or x2 Bizarre Diagnosis, Laboratory Assistant, Calling in Favors. Vamp will just be there so you can instantly get your x2 weapons out if you need to fight a boss (with agility) or deal with shitter enemies. Note that it'll give you a chance, but you'll probably fight poorly (for now).

For further upgrading list, you'll first remove from the 4 flex spot then work from there.

Against everything but cultists with doom, you may decide to grab Existential Riddle. It's cheap enough, and you can easily get the skill test to 0 with the two draw from your Underworld Market, and it can benefit your free clue drop each turn without the downside of evading the guy + it's dirt cheap in xp.

For a most consistent way of fighting, we will be choosing Dirty Fighting and Switchblade lvl 2 (one copy of each). You can guarantee the draw with your Underworld Market. One evasion through your ability = free attack at 6 skill value. It's cheap enough, doesn't cost that much in tempo (one action, literally 6 resources and no card draw since they come from your side deck). If you have 6 xp, you may instead spend it on x1 Charisma and x1 Delilah O'Rourke for auto 2 damage without a skill tests (can become pricey fast though).

You'll then include more economy card into your pool and slowly removing all your skill cards. Get x3 Easy Mark, x2 Black Market, and x2 Cheat the System (you should include Shrewd Analysis at deck creation to get free 2 resources from cheat the system). The total cost of your eco cards will be 7 xp. By then, you'll have 0 skill card beside Deduction.

Then you either include Delilah O'Rourke or the other combat package depending on what you picked first.

Now as you're good enough at fighting, you can finally remove your Narrow Escape to grab x2 Mind over Matter. With Dirty Fighting, and Switchblade, you'll be able to fight at 10 skill value (11 with Delilah) against bosses or when you'll be swarmed by enemies. It should be high enough to proc the 2 damage from Switchblade. The deck is feature complete at exactly 25 xp.

Luxury upgrades: X1 Moxie, x2 Another Day, Another Dollar, Ace in the Hole, Deduction lvl 2, x1 Daring Maneuver, x2 Breaking and Entering, x1 Lucky Cigarette Case.

For fully upgraded list:


Aug 08, 2024 Rancord · 1679

Have you tested this? The resource and card draw seems to low for the high tempo event and you have no constant way to investigate. Microscope needs lots of enemies but you got no kicking the hornets nest or Bianca.

Aug 09, 2024 mugu · 171

I playtested it in Carcosa expert and it works marvelously. I got three locations cleared of clue + difficult skill test on my own + bring utility to the team. I did high roll getting bank job early but even if you don't get it, you have at least either a crack the case or something else. The thing is you try to setup your turns by drawing and getting some resource manually until an enemy spawn, and then your combo goes off and it goes marvelously. You pick up four clues in a turn, evading one to two enemies and get off. I generally grab 2 clues a turn (counting the down times).

The card draw is low but it is a level 0 deck and you don't have a lot of option for it. Skill cards are the best (as in the cheapest) way to go through it. Events cost at most 2, which are easily setup if you gain one resource manually at the end of your turn. Hit and run cost only one. You don't want to make the job harder for your fighter through getting more enemies with kicking the hornets nest. The enemies will always come sooner or later and in expert, they are so hard to deal with that even two at the same time can be extremely though to deal with.

The thing is no matter your out, you should always have a solution to progress the scenario. The list isn't dependent on any key card, since the most relevant card is a permanent and all cards are strong on their own to add something to your turns.

Since it's light in asset, you have more action to draw your card, instead of just playing assets. That's the nature of event decks. Kind of ebb and flow gameplay.

The list is definitively slower than other seekers fully dedicated to clue gathering, but this list is meant to be more independent and pick up 12 clues through a scenario almost certainly (which is enough in most scenarios for a single player in a team). From my experience, you may use microscope at least once (two for longer scenario) but that's clearly worth it if you set it up with "I'll take that". You pick up two clues from deduction, three from three investigations, two from your ability, then you can evade with your skill cards, and four from art student and working a hunch, and three from your microscope.

You don't need lots of enemy for microscope. You just need a single that you can evade once per turn to use it and it synergies marvelously with Trish ability.