Hidden Pocket

Just my 2 cents, but I haven't read anywhere that you can't have 2 copies of this on the same card.

So I went down a rabbit hole and thought, if you put 2 of these on bandolier, you'd a total of 6 handslots. 2- per normal, 2-bandolire, and 2- hidden pocket.

It'd be pretty sweet to hold double Thompson and double mouser. Though, that's over 20 resources, but talk about being loaded for bear!!

You are correct, it is both legal, and in my opinion, encouraged, for Wendy to use 2 hidden pockets to hide a Thompson in her shoes — NarkasisBroon · 10
No, sorry. Hidden pocket cannot be used to add a two handed weapon (even with two of them). You have to use the card for what it says - an additional hand slot to hold an illicit asset. You can’t combine the hand slots. It’s a hidden pocket for a reason and the card flavor text doesn’t support shoving a Thompson in a side pocket. — rainman1646 · 2
So I apologize turns out I’m wrong! — rainman1646 · 2
Carolyn Fern

With the new ruling on "For Each" effects, where each instance should be resolved independently when you have a choice between each instance of a given effect, Carolyn suddenly has a few cards that can give her or her friends multiple resources in one action. Some of these are:

Meditative Trance: You can break even on this event at 2 slots filled, or go higher if you have extra arcane slots for some reason.

Earthly Serenity has the most obvious direct application, especially the upgraded version. Just play it and get a ton of money.

Logical Reasoning can go revenue positive if you have a total of at least 5 horror amongst investigators at your location - not unlikely in some campaigns.

Liquid Courage, sadly, does still have the "additional" modifier on it, so it should still only give carolyn one resource - unless I'm wrong!

Impermanent · 11
Trench Knife

Why don't they taboo this or errata this to also do: "+1 Damage against enemies so long as 2 or more enemies are engaged with you." ?

Then this would effectively be like an opposite Machete and would play beautifully with it, helping overcome the weaknesses of Machete losing it's ability to do damage when engaged with more than 1 enemy and having its own strengths, either by itself or as a pair? Thoughts ArkhamDB community?

Quantallar · 8
Seems like a nice idea, especially if you drag a chained cultist alongside you,I am not sure that it would make it good, but at least usable. — Svyatoslav28 · 37
Earthly Serenity

Due to the recently released ruling on "for each" and "for every" effects, Earthly Serenity can cause Carolyn to gain 1 resource per point of horror healed, turning this and the upgraded version into a pretty powerful economic card for her. I assume this is an experimental naturopathic remedy, which is why she can charge so much for it.

Impermanent · 11
That's a very nice find for a first post. Welcome on ArkhamDB. — Susumu · 371
This card does wonders with Akachi Onyele. Not only you get an extra charge, being able to take it back to your hand and play it again makes your party immortal. — Glordu · 3

Not a distinguished combo but I wanna point out that even in a non-fighter Vincent deck the sawbones' tool is still a good synergy: it's usually better to play a signature than just commit it into skill test, however since Vincent is access to Scavenging, it's possible for a cluver doctor to commit his surgical garget to a test and recur it back for the next one, transfer the card into another Perception every round without extra draw. Also it has a Tool trait, so Crafty helps comprehensively on playing it and the skill boost for its fight and healing action.

IvanYHYu · 8