Ravenous Myconid

2x Ariadne's Twine 1x Cryptic Grimoire 1x Dr. Milan Christopher

Congratulations, now you get 1 actionless Investigate that charges your Myconid every single round. The Myconids seem likely to get Taboo'd pretty quickly to me, especially the Sentient Strain. It is incredibly easy to game these things out and trivialize an entire scenario.

Yes, you do get an actionless Investigate following your plan, but it costs 5 cards, 9 resources, 10 XP, and actually managing to translate the Grimoire. I agree that Myconid needs taboo, but I don't think the combo you came up with, clever as it is, is why. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
And you also forget to mention, that you don't make any money besides events since you need two ressources every round for the twines. — Tharzax · 1
BTW you can do this for 2 fewer actions setup, 1 fewer resource setup, 2 fewer resources per round, and 1 fewer hand and arcane slot. Replace both ariadne's twine and cryptic grimoire with farsight. Then it's a decent combo ;-) — NarkasisBroon · 10
Oh no, it's only one resource per round cheaper. Forgot that cryptic grimoire also gives a discount. :-) — NarkasisBroon · 10
Currently playing Kate through hv and farsight works really well with the myconid. I prefer using Ariadne on seeker scroll of secrets 3 — Django · 5108
Universal Solvent

This card is quite a good reward if you're playing this mission as a side scenario, especially in seeker. Doesn't take up a slot, has situational obstacle removal and most of all it allows a main cluer to delete enemies in a single check. With higher education and some good economy cards (milan, crack the case) it becomes rather trivial to remove several enemies over the course of the scenario. Bonus points if you're Kate for that extra science asset.

snakkers · 1
Doesn't exhaust! — MrGoldbee · 1472
Stick to the Plan

If the Cards attached to "Stick to the Plan" may be played as if they were in your hand,but why them must facedown to "Stick to the Plan"?I have no idea,because i can't confirm those cards in "Stick to the Plan".

zhy · 2
You can always look at facedown cards, and return them facedown after looking. For reason why it was errata-ed to be facedown, they don't want those Event cards to be considered in play, even though they are relatively useless even when faced up (rule says Event cards can only be played from your hand), it still could future-proof unintended interactions. For example, if they aren't facedown you could use SttP to instantly gain many "different classes you control" from your Event cards for Synergy cards (like Gang Up). Or you can also trigger the reaction in Delay the Inevitable without playing it, and must resolve the Forced effect too. — 5argon · 10761
Take a look at Backpack, if Item Assets were attached and not being told to facedown that'd cause serious problem as in this game attachments are all fully functional. This design is used to create cards like Abigail Foreman, Trigger Man, Elle Rubash, Quickdraw Holster (which you can still use the gun after the holster had been exhausted). Also take a look at Tool Belt, which take different approach of just blanking the text box except Trait instead. Allowing interaction like discarding your tools in the belt for Crypt Chill, make them count for Synergy cards, or Kate Winthrop able to move her clues to Science / Tool assets in the belt. — 5argon · 10761

This card eats for Silas Marsh! I was mostly using it to thin the chaos bag against the worst spooky tokens for my skill test, then after you draw a token, if you are going to pass (without the ? of unrelenting) use his ability to take it back into hand and return the tokens to the bag. Repeatable for most of a scenario. After a bit, I felt like I was cheating.

dlikos · 160
You are overlooking the even more incredible Silas trick where you use this to draw cards over and over. — OrionAnderson · 80

A little too strong for 0xp in my opinion.

  • Cheap, slotless, amazing in multiples
  • Enables the Survivor shroud reduction package to access even more locations
  • Self-discards for synergy with the Survivor recursion package.
  • Lasts for the entire turn, allowing for some crazy clue collection swings (or TSK concealed card cleanup)
  • Can be used on other investigators
mordequess · 84
It is a good card, but doesn't really do anything on its own and eats a deck slot. But yeah, I guess they could have omitted the multiplayer part. — AlderSign · 310
ya, when all four players light their matchboxes. Shroud valued trivialized. For seekers, Matchbox also makes Lantern a much more worthwhile card. — liwl0115 · 41
I would say four players would have a lot better things to do for 4 actions and 4 resources than to drop a location's shroud by 4 for the duration of one player's turn (it's turn, not phase), but it is a pretty funny mental image! — broccolio · 2