Dread Curse

Tamest basic weakness in the game? It doesn’t cost you any actions at all to deal with, all it really does is cost you a card and maybe a test or two down the line. Draw it late? No issues. Playing on expert? You have testless options abound anyway. Playing with new cards that care on any level about curse tokens? This is actually beneficial to you. And finally you might actually be using cards that convert curse to bless, in which case this is easily circumvented. This might hurt more in Innsmouth depending on what the scenarios do with curse and bless, but outside of that campaign, this seems incredibly easy to deal with.

EDIT: I take it back, only because Day of Reckoning got spoiled unexpectedly. Check that one out for an even tamer weakness.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
I think this card might make you overcommit cards more often than you think and will thus end up quite annoying when you draw it. Since I haven't played with Curse tokens yet, it's hard for me to correctly estimate this card's impact. However, if someone in the group has this card in their deck I would probably buy the Blasphemous Covenant (or False/Paradoxical Covenant, depending on what they do) as soon as possible, to potentially turn this weakness into a boon. — PowLee · 15
I do think that 5 curse tokens left unchecked can be quite frustrating, but it'll usually burn itself out fairly quickly, even going so far as to pull multiple curse tokens for an already doomed skill test. On top of that, if you already know you're going to be dealing with this many curse tokens, you can always plan ahead and have 1 or 2 cards ready to oppose it, or even include cards that BENEFIT from it. And comparing that to the average basic weakness, yea this is a very tame one. — TheDoc37 · 468
Shining Trapezohedron

Combine it with Dayana Esperence and low cost powerfull spell like Deny Existence. Shining Trapezohedron will cancel the additional cost (spend secret and exhaust Dayana) and allows you to play Deny Existence each round after passing 0 test.

Śliski · 25
It says "resource cost", though. So you still pay the secret if you succesfully perform the test. — trazoM · 9
Ah... i have misread the card... I have mixed the success part with failure "any cost" part... — Śliski · 25
Wroooong, additional cost cant be canceled. — yarhma · 1
This still feels good in a Mystic/Seeker deck, as Seekers have access to Truth from Fiction and Eldritch Sophist for putting additional secrets on. I might try it with honorary Mystic Norman Withers. — BlankedyBlank · 23
This card is still good with Dayana, since then you have plenty of targets to use Shining Trapezohedron on. Attach something like Read the Signs on dayana, and you have a good chance of finding 2 clues with a 0-cost event. — flamebreak · 22
This item should be coded as a unique item in arkhamdb.com — Prototivity · 1
Harlan's Curse

Note that this search only checks the encounter deck, not the discard pile (and victory display). For that reason, it's a good idea to advance "Harlan's Curse" when all 3 Acolytes are in the discard/play (or even just 2 Acolytes in the discard/play when 3/4 player) - this prevents the spawn.

Of course you might be dealing with the other version of this act, so this gambit might have no effect. But if it works well, it can be nice.

Knowledge is Power

How does this work together with cards that need multiple actions to activate like the new forbidden tomes?

Forbidden Tome Forbidden Tome

Is the multiple actions needed as a part of the trigger or a part of the cost?

iro · 5
I'm pretty sure that you don't need to spend any actions because the actions are part of the cost — Zinjanthropus · 229
I am also of the opinion that KiP should activate a use of either Forbidden Tome, but the is the argument that "an action of fast action ability" indicates only one arrow. That seems kind of stiingy, but "Grim Rule" and all.... — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
@LivefromBenefitSt Check the Reference guide for the different types of triggered abilities. Even if they cost multiple actions, they are still an ‘action triggered ability’ or ‘=> ability’(I can’t embed symbols in comments). So, KiP can activate the forbidden tome regardless of Hand Size. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
That's good then, because it seems kind of cheap otherwise. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
So, if you put a Forbidden tome on Abigail Foreman, you could trigger it twice with KiP and then Ms. Foreman's ability.... — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
Hunting Horror

An elite monster that can gain massive and readies itself is threatening. It’s why it’s the only monster in the module it’s in. (Bad news for guardians who like fighting a lot of people... hope your party has stubborn detectives, creatures from the crystallizer and the like to keep you busy.) but a few investigators make quick work of this beast…The first one Is Jaqueline, who can pull multiple tokens. Another is Trish, who can use a fast or ~ ability to get clues and evade the monster in 0 actions. That means the deadliest thing in this module is probably getting a infinite hallway in the main corridor, running through your deck and taking 10 damage. Make sure to Delay the Inevitable or Defy Reality.

MrGoldbee · 1472
One fun strategy is to have a designated evader stay with the Hunting Horror and just keep evading it while your cluegetters finish the scenario without distractions. Your evader will need to be a little tanky since they will get attacked occasionally. — The Lynx · 980
Or just use Pendant of the Queen during the free trigger in the enemy phase because they forgot to make it not effect Elite enemies. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
FYI - the "ready Hunting Horror" is significant if the Hunting Horror (H.H) was evaded during play which would have exhausted the H.H. If the H.H. was damaged due to fighting during play, it would not be exhaused and the "ready H.H." might not be relavent. — Moragg · 1