Trench Knife

Such a weird card.

Please, just ignore the Fight text, it's garbage. if you want a weapon then grab a Knife, it's MUCH better than this thing.

The real reason you grab Trench Knife is that text about engagement. Sadly for Trench Knife, this is nowhere near useful enough to warrant a card and the actions to play and use it. Taunt exists and performs this little niche far-far better.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
If there was an upgrade that added +1 damage per enemy, that would be playable. — Django · 5093
+1 per enemy would probably be OP, but ‘deals X instead of normal damage (Max 3)’ would be really intriguing, in my opinion. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
That would also be very OP. You shouldn't be able to do 3 damage with a knife attack. — Sassenach · 179
Why would that be OP? It’s conditional, so it only works when engaged with 3 or more enemies. If it’s a fluff concern, you can already deal 3+ damage with knives due to skills. In a 1v1 it’s still a +1 no bonus damage weapon. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
I agree, it’s rare to be engaged with that many enemies. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
It's a level 0, 1 cost asset. It ought to be weak. — Sassenach · 179
@Sassenach We’re talking about a hypothetical upgrade (lvl 2 or 3 probably), not the level 0 card. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Ah, fair enough then. I suspect that ship has sailed though, since Return to Carcosa is already out. — Sassenach · 179
We’ve seen cards have upgrades/downgrades across expansions, such as Shortcut. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
I'd love to see an XP version of this card that exhausted to let you engage an enemy without spending an action. — CaiusDrewart · 3168
Agree to see "engage an enemy without spending an action" too. — AquaDrehz · 202
Grisly Totem

Amazing card.

Take any card and chuck it at an apropriately icon'ed test, give it +1 icon and dþcard draw.

All of a suddent that leftover copy of Magnifying Glass that you dont have slots for reads "Perception", that second Machete reads "Overpower". Actual skill cards? Those get real ridiculous!

Downright amazing card, ALL characters should take a close look at their deckslots and cost curve and try to squeeze this thing in at some point.

That point about cost is it's only detractor, at 3 resources playing this may break your bank if you're in the business of playing weapons, spell assets, Pathfinder and/or some big allies.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
M1918 BAR

So I've had the chance to use this in Dunwich now as Zoey, and I was pretty dubious at first but I think I really like it. I didn't even combo it with any of the ways of getting extra ammo. Ok, the obvious thing to say - in most cases the Flamethrower is better and for various pretty clear cut reasons. But anyway, I had one Flamethrower already and so I got a BAR just to mix it up and try some new stuff and was pleasantly surprised.

The first time I used it got snagged by an Avian Thrall in a very early turn and that really sucked, big time. I ended up spending all 8 ammo in one go to overcome the negative modifier which felt really bad at the time, but it highlighted the flexibility of this gun - not only is the damage flexible, so is the combat boost. Now, ok sure using all 8 ammo in one go is well yeah pretty wasteful, but with the Flamethrower I would've had no way out of that other than to just take a bunch of pot shots and hope I got a 0, or alternatively swap it out for a blade and lose the ammo entirely that way too. Basically, got two rules wrong there. Flamethrower wins that one.

I did get to use it in a more piece-meal way later and the ability to take out a creature with exactly the right amount of health all in one action is pretty strong, stronger than I realised. If you end up spending lots of ammo on a tough monster, you also get a much higher modifier - so it actually scales really well for larger creatures as you're more likely to make the damage stick. To be fair though, taking only one action only really applies to big monster of four or five health, and then you're likely only to get one of those out of the ammo supply.

Another nice point is that with the Flamethrower, a couple of times I found myself wanting to engage more enemies to fully utilise the damage, but that would incur an attack of opportunity. Without the damage efficiency the value of the Flamethrower goes down (though it's still great obviously). Perhaps I should not have swapped out those Taunts earlier? But then we're talking support cards which essentially increases the cost of the weapon. BAR on the other hand doesn't suffer from that problem - exactly as much as you need all in one action. The sheer damage output of the Flamethrower means it still holds up really.

The comparison is more relevant for the Lightning Gun as you really need that second weapon to deal with the monsters with four and five health. This is of course means you need a Bandolier, so support cards again. With two four health monsters you can kill them both in two actions with the BAR. With Lightning Gun you can kill one and damage the other in three actions. Flamethrower says "hi" at this point of course, which is why it's still better, and what it potentially loses in the action efficiency it makes up for ammo/damage supply.

Lastly, I frequently find myself at four XP after a mission too, so this one just feels significantly easier to pick up, even though it's only one XP cheaper.

So the M1918 BAR then? Yeah I actually quite like it.

Octo · 96
Avian thrall has a fight value of 2 if you attack with flamethrower or bar. — trazoM · 9
What trazoM said, but also: you can’t spend all 8 in one go since the ability spends 1-5. (Unless you spent 4-5 ammo on the attack and the rest on an ‘Eat Lead!’) — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Haha! Classic! Ok, totally misread that ability, and forgot about the 1-5 max. Bugger. *sigh* it's not a playthrough Arkham if you don't get at least something wrong. — Octo · 96
It’s alright. While I agree with you that Flamethrower would have been better in that situation, that’s also a perfect situation for Flamethrower when the enemy has exactly four health. Against a 5 health monster, the BAR can kill in one shot, and against fewer, it can spend exactly as much damage as needed. I think that the major benefit of the BAR is the ‘pay what you want’ style and no limitations. Flamethrower is still king of raw throughput, but the engage limitations can sometimes be prohibitive (due to AoO, since it more than makes up for action efficiency with its damage) and its inability to combo with Marksmanship. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Tommy Muldoon

She's a junkyard dog lookin' for snacks in all the wrong places! He's a rookie cop from the wrong side of the tracks!

They Fight Crime!

Yorick's career-minded brother joins the battle, and the similarities are plentiful. Both are blue-and-red. Both wallop baddies. Both are 8/6 Health/Sanity. Both are 4/3/3/2 in Combat/Willpower/Something/Something. Both laugh at the "discard pile". And both are Tanks.

There's a divergence of method, though: where William wants to run cheap with welfare, fire safety, the CIA, and cutlery, Tommy here wants to run rich, with dogs, cops, clergy, the FBI, and different cutlery.

A few notes:

  • Tommy wants assets, so he can- and should- plan ahead. This lets him go full doomsday prepper.
  • Tommy wants lots of friends. Exploding priests aside, dogs cops & feds are non-unique, so double away!
  • Card-economy is Tommy's weak suit. He's got money, and encouraging attacks generates action economy, but defeated assets that go into the deck still need to get thinly-drawn.
  • His rifle is a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say. If a cheap reloadable .45 with 2 bullets that hates Survival Knife is your thing, go for it.
  • Mistakes will be made. But short of encounters, this is the only way you can unintentionally lose a health-havin' asset to the discard pile, so the usual survivor recursion tricks are of questionable value.
  • In multiplayer, there's more baddies, and tanky characters can afford to drag enemies into the same room. Consider military equipment.
  • Lastly, one thing both Tommy & William can agree on is that Best Ally is Mr. Pawterson.
HanoverFist · 737
Tommy and Yorick both also get excellent mileage out of True Grit and Something Worth Fighting For. Its worth pointing out that Survival Knife is not a great weapon for him because the attack has to deal damage rather than horror, and deal damage to you and not your assets, in order for you to get the trigger. Better to just load up on Machetes, especially with a Bandolier that gives you money when you no longer need it. — The_Wall · 286
That's not true @The_Wall . The survival knife triggers off damage that targets you and it doesn't matter where it is assigned. It's a decent option for this character to have. — Bronze · 186
Rifle works better than it appears, the ability to cycle dead allies into bullets is pretty neat. — ezrk · 1

I'm a fan of this card, it has a funny way of increasing your odds at a test.

On standard, tokens tend to run the gamut of -1 to -4, they can be a nuisance yes, but they do not warrant Defiance level hate.

On hard/expert, those things can HURT. tend to be the most game-y with varied penalties from 0 to -4, god forbid the craziness that tends to key off them in campaign finale's. and strongly tend to be -3 with nasty effects, finally the varies heavily from campaign to campaign, in Core, Dunwich and Circle it's the "punishing token", with a huge penalty and often bad effects, in the other campaigns this token is more routine at -3 or -4.

The thing is, on hard, these tokens can influence your decisions and options so heavily that they limit your choices, some scenarios have tokens so punishing that if you're not testing everything at +3 you're screwing yourself over.

Defiance eases this pressure a lot.

The later in a campaign you get the more special tokens will be in the chaos bag, a few campaigns add very few, others pile them on like sprinkles on a 5'yr old's sundae. Obviously Defiance is therefore much greater value in said campaigns and so/so late in any given campaign. I would never go without it into the finale of Carcosa for example.

My best case for Defiance: It pretty routinely turns impossible tests (The kinda test where you say "Well, I'f I get a !") into something more like a 60% chance.

Tsuruki23 · 2547