Jenny Barnes, The Streetwise Seeker - Co-op

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

0bs · 864

Please note, this deck has not been play-tested yet. This is a deck concept which I plan on using for my next 2-player campaign of Dunwich Legacy in lieu of a traditional clue gatherer (Daisy Walker and Rex Murphy); Jenny will likely be paired with Agnes Baker. I will update this deck listing with thoughts and changes after I've had a chance to play with it. Please comment with your own ideas and experiences if you've tried something similar.

After playing with Streetwise, I am pretty impressed with how quickly and easily you can pump Intellect to pass Investigate tests. With just Dr. Milan Christopher you have an Intellect of 4 and with 2 resources committed to Streetwise can easily bump up to 7 which gives you a great chance to investigate 4 Shroud locations on standard difficulty. With the good Dr., you'll be refunded 1 resource for a successful investigation. This simple math inspired me to create a Jenny deck with that as the main focus.

With Jenny's built in economy and Streetwise, I think she could be as good of a dedicated clue gather as Daisy Walker but with less of a focus on support and more of a self-sufficient play-style. She will never be as good at gathering clues as quickly as Rex Murphy (but neither will Daisy) but you will sometimes be able to combo Deduction with Double or Nothing and nab 4 clues off a single location in one action with an investment of 4-6 resources.

In addition, Jenny can fight lesser enemies when needed with .41 Derringer and is very respectable when holding Jenny's Twin .45s. This is akin to running Fire Axe in Rex Murphy and I've found that when playing with 2 people, it really helps if your clue gather can fend for his or herself on occasion (even if you are paired with a more dedicated combat character). Backstab combines well with Double or Nothing and can easily be pumped with Streetwise to create some crazy 6 damage in 1 action shenanigans if investigating gets put on hold.

Some thoughts on card choices

  • I'm opting for Lone Wolf over Burglary because regularly spending an action to generate resources feels bad and takes away from your ability to gather clues. However, I can see the merits of having the option and might put Burglary back in after further testing. I've talked about Lone Wolf in my "Ashcan" Pete write up and think the card works well in a co-op campaign.

  • I fear the deck is a bit lacking in card draw and Pickpocketing is something I'm also considering. You could certainly play more Evasion focused, but that would require spending more resources on Streetwise to pump Agility and I worry that most of our resources are going to be needed for Investigating. Again, this is something that might get slotted in with testing/play.

  • Elusive and Think on Your Feet are there to provide free movement (similar to Shortcut and Pathfinder in Seeker).

  • A single copy of Physical Training rounds out the 5 splash options, given Jenny's even stat line, it's nice to be able to pump Willpower or Combat in a pinch. I could see taking a second copy and dropping a Deduction, but I that seems to de-emphasize her role as a clue gatherer. This might end up being Working a Hunch, Drawn to the Flame, "Look what I found!" or Lucky!.

  • Flashlight is there because we can't splash Magnifying Glass (or could but 5 slots is really limiting and I like Deduction better). I feel like they should do good work, especially until we get Streetwise and they can always be swapped out later with Adaptable.

  • I pretty much always swap in Unexpected Courage for one of the other neutral skill cards (in this case Manual Dexterity) because I really like the flexibility. Obviously this is a personal preference and could go either way.

Upgrades and Future Cards

Many people might be thinking, "why build a pseudo-seeker rather than the real thing?" While I really like Rex Murphy, Daisy Walker is not really my style and this seemed like a fun alternative and worth a try. Also, I enjoy filling the Seeker role in a co-op campaign. I'm hopeful as the card pool expands, we'll see each class better able to branch out and fill other roles in their own unique way.


Apr 27, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

A solid build. I had a similar theory a while back that worked ok, but back then the card pool was a bit more restricted and I dont think it was there yet. The printing of Lone Wolf and Streetwise i think really changes the options for a cluey Jenny. I think the only debate here for you is whether to go 2x Physical Training rather than 2x Deduction, but i see arguements either way.

I find Think on Your Feet doent do as much as you might want it too. With the more problematic enemies being hunters I often find i either want to evade it on the spot, or i need to move away a further space if i want to be safe. Certainly its an early one to swap out perhaps. Another option might be just 2x Manual Dexterity to help enable Backstab in your first game before you get that Streetwise down. You can always swap it out with Adaptable and until then it at least self replaces thinning your deck and getting you to the good stuff a bit faster.

Apr 27, 2017 0bs · 864

Interesting to hear you tried it already (before the more recent Mythos releases) and I appreciate your insight on some of the card choices. As you pointed out, that's what's great about Adaptable, it makes it so easy to swap things in and out depending on what works and what doesn't. Part of the reason I posted the deck untested is because I was hoping for some comments and discussion before running it through a campaign.

Good points on Manual Dexterity. You've sold me and I'll definitely include it in my first build.

Did you try Burglary before? How did it feel to spend an action to get 3 (or 4 with Dr. Milan Christopher)? It sounds like you'd prefer Lone Wolf to it as well. Did your previous attempts include Cat Burglar then? If you were going Evasion heavy, that would make sense. I'm leaning towards that over Leo De Luca as an early upgrade (along with Charisma).

Apr 27, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67452

I actually found i rarely used burglry with milan down. It was there as a stop gap until he turned up. the 3 is a bit of a pain to find a location that can easilly be burgled, your essentially looking for a 1 shroud location (2 with milan I guess). This doesnt just cost you the action to burgle, but the moves to get there in alot of cases. Lone wolf removes all of that and just lets you stock pile cash and get on with progressive actions basically. Although i say that from having used it in Wendy and Zoey.

This was my old deck if it helps.

As i say i wouldnt describe it as strong. The need to spend 4 slots on pay to boost cards, then find and play them was quite the tempo hit - but it was fun and it did work.

Re Leo De Luca vs Cat Burglar once you get Charisma down, i would probably go for leo. The main thing your getting from Cat Burglar is cheaper evades. but with that much cash and Streetwise on tap you should be fine i recon. An extra action on the other hand is much more versatile.

Adaptable is really nice for both experimenting with your deck in a live campaign and adjusting the bits you no longer need now you have a new xp toy. Im using it in a wendy deck just now and having a blast