Jacqueline Fine

For those interested in detailed probabilities, here is what I have computed, and the comparison with a default investigator. The bag I use is the following: [+1 (elder sign), +1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -3, -4, -4, AUTO_FAIL];

Result Base prob% Cum. Base prob% Jacqueline prob% Cum. Jacqueline prob% Jacqueline diff%

The "cum. prob" is the probability to have a result higher or equal to the given value.

So Jacquelines offers a nice bonus probability on everything.

Climooo · 14
Research Notes

Conventional wisdom tells us that when we're in hole, first stop digging. But if you commit #Analysis to the Intellect test on #Research Notes, it's hard not to double down on a bad first (or second...) token pull by repeatedly using the reaction ability.

PJFrigate · 365
"Look what I found!"

Oops! and Dumb Luck are more restrictive, but "Look what I found!" can easily trigger off a failed Investigate action on a Concealed card. Not a bad consolation prize, but potentially easy to overlook. If you're holding this card and your location has both clues and Concealed cards, it's probably (often) best to Investigate Concealed first.

PJFrigate · 365

Strangely, this card doesn't specify a "non-weakness" Item, so one could remove Daisy's Necronomicon from the game.

(Finding how Daisy can play a 2xp card is left as an exercice to the reader. This would have been easier for Minh if The King is Yellow was an item.)

Emmental · 129
The silly solution is Versatile to include "You Owe Me One!", but the simple solution is Eidetic Memory. That said, even if she had it in her hand without hoops, I'm not sure how worthwhile it is. you spend an action to remove it from the game and get 0 resources - which is only useful if you are spinning your deck, but then you would have likely had to spend an additional 3 actions to have gotten it out of play earlier. Most Daisy decks would rather just play around it being in play for the rest of the game than spend 4 actions disposing of it. So I think the 'why Daisy would play it' is a much harder exercise than the how. It is a cheeky interaction in paper though. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Teamwork would also work with versatile and other investigators. It works better since you can play it when this card is in your hand. (black market should also work if you are lucky) — Tharzax · 1
Players can’t control someone else’s signature card or weakness so teamwork can’t hand it over — Django · 5108
You should hand over salvage not the necronomicon. — Tharzax · 1
Salvage is not an item, ally or resource, so not a valid target for teamwork. — zrayak · 86
You are right I thought you could trade just cards — Tharzax · 1
There's Black Market, which does not care. — Lailah · 1
Surgical Kit

Fun combo with Painkillers: A fast action on Painkillers to heal a damage then triggers a reaction on Surgical Kit that heals the horror cost, and you draw a card! This seems counterintuitive in Vincent Lee with his low sanity, but it works AND he can add an On the Mend to his own hand.

PJFrigate · 365
I stumbled into this combo completely by accident with my latest vincent deck and its great. — Zerogrim · 295